Bobby Worthington

As a whitetail bowhunter, Bobby has few peers living or dead. In fact, Don Higgins once said that if he were forced to name the best deer hunter on the planet, he would say “Bobby Worthington”. This lofty compliment comes with good reason. Bobby has had more whitetail bucks featured in North American Whitetail Magazine than any other deer hunter hunting with either a gun or bow. To date, he has killed seven bucks large enough to be featured in this prestigious magazine. All of these were taken with bow and arrow and even more remarkable, four of these were taken in Tennessee and four were shot on public ground!

Bobby was a freelance outdoor writer for several years. He wrote for several national outdoor publications on the subject of bowhunting trophy whitetail deer. Some of the publications he wrote for include North American Whitetail, Deer and Deer Hunting and Petersens Bow Hunting as well as many others. Bobby is a very sought-after seminars speaker and has recently spoken on a few podcasts. 

Higgins Outdoors is very excited to have Bobby on our team helping landowners achieve their whitetail dreams and turning their properties into whitetail meccas.

For help selecting the consultant whose strengths best fit your property and situation, please contact Don Higgins via email with a brief description of your property and goals –

Each consultant’s base fee is listed on their page but note that this fee can vary based on several factors such as acreage, location, etc. Be sure to ask for an exact quote when you discuss you property with the consultant

Base Fee: $5000