2019’s Ultimate Goal

Typically when hunting season opens I like to have a large-antlered mature buck picked out to target. Some years everything falls into place and I have a giant on one of the multiple properties that I have access to hunt. Other years I am left doing management work by culling

Updated 2019 Buck Forecast

In Mid-August I put out my “buck forecast” for the 2019 season. I did the same thing last year when I predicted a banner year for giant bucks. Little did I know that in early November Luke Brewster would shoot a new world-record non-typical roughly 10 miles from one of

To Rope a Buck

Recently I made a social media post about moving my game cameras from summer feeding areas to fall rutting locations. This is a process that I do every year in September as bucks shed velvet and many start shifting their range. I mentioned in my post that some of these

2019 Buck Forecast

Last year about this time I went out on a limb and predicted that the 2018 hunting season would see some fantastic bucks shot around the Midwest. I said that a lot of hunters would kill the best buck of their life in 2018 .. and it happened. I based

Consistent Mature Buck Success Is In the Details

If you have spent much time on social media you already know that there are millions of “experts” on every topic known to man. Deer hunting is no exception. For the record, I don’t consider myself an expert at anything and when it comes to hunting mature whitetails I am

Deer Hunting’s “Big D”

I think we all know a deer hunter who is more successful at tagging mature bucks than 99.9% of all the other hunters who are also passionately chasing these elusive critters. Just what is it that sets these hunters apart from others who are trying desperately to match their success?

Hold Off on Those Trail Cameras!

It seems like social media has been abuzz in the last week or so with deer hunters putting out their game cameras. I understand the strong desire to get out and have a look at the racks this year’s bucks are growing. Making your move too soon however might come

Do Deer Minerals Really Work?

I have to laugh at a lot of the posts I see on social media regarding deer minerals. It’s either someone claiming they see a noticeable increase in antler size once they started using a product that doesn’t even have the minerals needed for antler growth or it is someone

Hunting’s Forgotten Words

For the past 3 days I have been running a chainsaw on my farm in an effort to improve the bedding cover. I prefer to do my habitat work a month or two earlier than this but my consulting business has exploded to the point where I don’t have a

Building Buck Motels

I am currently knee-deep in my busiest season of the year. Since mid-December I have been on the road every week to numerous states doing seminars, attending trade shows and doing consulting visits to client’s properties. This puts me in contact with hundreds of deer hunters every week and some

The Chase 2018 – The Final Chapter

“Did you kill a nice buck this year?” That’s a question that I get asked dozens of times at every outdoor show I attend every winter. A year ago everyone already knew the answer as I had just killed 2 world-class bucks that I had named Smokey and Trump on

CWD – Liberalism Hits the Deer Woods

In the last two weeks I have been getting tagged daily in social-media posts regarding CWD. It seems that many in the hunting community have recognized and appreciate my outspoken position on this topic. This is probably due to the fact that very few within the hunting industry will speak